Smart Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day Sustainably

4 Min Read
It is a challenging decision for environmentally conscious individuals whether or not to celebrate Valentine's Day. Nevertheless, it is feasible to lessen your carbon footprint without sacrificing enjoyment.
Some argue against celebrating February 14 to protect the environment. Here are effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying this day with your beloved one(s).
Avoid roses and favour British grown flowers and clean-air plants
The rose is certainly the symbol of love, but it is also that of an ecological disaster. Around 90% of the flowers sold in the UK are imported – the vast majority are coming via the Netherlands who themselves import from Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya and Ethiopia according to a BBC article. The rules on chemical applications are not as strict in the developing countries as in the EU, which has obviously an environmental impact but also poses a health risk to everybody in the supply chain.
A recent Financial Times publication highlights the findings of a research supervised by climate expert Mike Berners-Lee at Lancaster university. According to this latter, the carbon footprint of a bouquet of Roses is Equivalent to a London-Paris Flight!
So, to reduce the ecological footprint of your Valentine's Day, it is better to turn to seasonal and local flowers. For example, it is the season for daphnes, snowdrops, daffodils, spring crocus, primroses and sweet violets.
Even better than a bouquet, opt for a plant that will live longer. You can even choose a plant that will help to clear out pollutants in the home (find a list of the best clean-air plants here).
Turn to fair trade
Just like flowers, several labels allow you to choose the best chocolate, a must-have for Valentine's Day.
The Fair Trade logo guarantees a premium for planters and the ban on forced child labour. Learn where your favourite chocolate brands fall on the spectrum of sourcing through the Food Empowerment Project.
Check our selection of UK made chocolate, coffee and nut spreads that would make for a sustainable gift this Valentine.
Prepare a meal with local ingredients
With 49% Britons planning to have a romantic dinner at home for last Valentine according to an IPSOS polling, the trend might well be the same this year with the inflation on the rise. If you're planning to do the same, grab this opportunity to prepare a meal with carefully chosen ingredients, focusing on local and seasonal products: a way to best control your carbon footprint. Here are some delectable Vegan Valentine's meal ideas that will make you forget about non-vegan recipes!
Nothing rocket science, but to get to the bottom of things, you will also need to watch your candles. For an eco-friendly candlelit meal, it is recommended to use natural wax candles to preserve the quality of your indoor air.
Gift responsible and sustainable jewellery
Offering jewellery without breaking the bank and while respecting the environment is possible. We are talking about pieces made with respect for people and the planet, that is to say composed of non-toxic, natural, even recycled materials and designed by artisans, such as our curated selection you can find here.
It is challenging to guarantee that the jewellery company you are purchasing from has fully sustainable practices. Most companies do not make this claim. However, it is essential to ensure that you buy from companies that prioritise ethical and transparent sourcing and production.
Additionally, contemplate purchasing second-hand items.
Offer an intangible present
Allocate dedicated time to spend with your partner—prepare their preferred dish, enjoy their favoured film together, participate in a shared activity such as a cooking or photography class, reserve time for painting or engaging in a tutorial alongside them.
Compose a poem, serenade, or create a video showcasing your cherished moments together. Alternatively, gather from their friends their fondest memories and compile a list, or document their outstanding qualities and the reasons you adore them.
Bottom line, promote sustainability by diverting attention away from consumerism and towards the celebration of love this Valentine’s Day.
And if you plan to shop on this day, consider purchasing from a small business or one that follows ethical practices.